Sunday, November 28, 2010

Janine Brignola - One womans story with HIV

Sunday December 5th POZIAM RADIO will be speaking with Janine Brignola. Janine is a twenty eight year old, HIV postive woman who lives in Omaha NE in a community that is still very uneducated and unaware of HIV and the reality that HIV does not stereotype, she uses her story and voice to educate people trying to dispell certain stigma's still attached to HIV/Aids. Janine is an HIV activist and advocate, a single mother to an amazing son, a college student working on her bachelors in clinical laboratory science and planning to get her PhD in bio-engineering to do HIV/Aids research, she is a Dab the Aids Bear Ambassador of Hope, she is a member of the anti stigma committee started by the Nebraska Aids Project as well as a participant of the campaign, and a blogger who's articles are being used by MTV Staying Alive for their World AIDS Day campaign. Janie is currently working on her autobiography, and the launch of S.P.E.A.K. a non-profit project aimed at helping to raise awareness.

Listen to Janine's Story on the POZIAM Radio Show December 5th at 9pm EST


  1. ROCK ON Janine!!!!! XOXOX Muah!

  2. I sure will be listening in. I hope one day soon the topic goes to AIDS Related Diseases. I would love to talk about my AIDS related Avascular Necrosis (AVN) and maybe even meet someone else that has the same condition. In my 13 year that I have tested Poz I have yet to meet anyone that has AIDS related AVN. I have done research online but could not find much about it other than the medical definition and in what ways the believe it is caused. I brought it up in the chat room and nobody has a clue what I was talking about so I am guessing it is a rare condition.
