Friday, December 31, 2010

Top 10 Shows of 2010

In August we entered our 3rd year broadcasting the POZIAM Radio Show. It has been so much fun talking to so many different people living with HIV/AIDS. Our guests over the years have been Celebrities, Authors,Activists and everyday people living with the disease who wanted to share their story for the first time in a public forum. I compiled a lists of the top 10 downloaded and listened to POZIAM radio shows/episodes of 2010. Click the link below the guests photo to listen to the archive of each episode.

My Christmas Proposal

This Holiday season was one for the record books and is one I will never forget. Joe made his famous Christmas cookies. He made Chocolate chip with walnuts, White & Milk Chocolate Macadamia Nut and Sugar cookies.While Making the sugar cookies I asked Joe to make a red ribbon for me. It came out great. I still haven't eaten it yet..LOL For the last 2 years spent we have spent Christmas eve night at my older sisters house. This is when we exchange gifts with my family and spend some quality time with them. Since the passing of my Dad, which feels like yesterday, but has been 10 years, I come to cherish the moments spent with my family members. From weddings, birthdays, holidays, driving them to a Dr. appointment or Black Friday shopping.

These moments are what make my life worth living. My Dad left this world before I could realize this. Before I could express who I was and how I felt without screaming to or running away from it all to get high. I felt my dad around us during the holidays. I know he sees what is happening with us all but I still crave that physical part of having a Dad. I am sure if you lost a parent you know what I mean when I talk about the physical aspect. So this year Joe and I got my Mom a ticket to go see Annie the Musical in Media,PA in January which stars the hilarious Wanda Sykes as Miss Hannigan. Of course Joe and I will be her chaperons. My Niece Abby is 3 years old and is at the perfect age for Christmas. She was so excited for Santa to come this year. This year she was into Toy Story 3 and Batman of all things. So shopping for her was fun. I found myself always picking up things to give her.

On Christmas morning. I woke up at 8am like a little kid excited for Santa's arrival. I remember waking up turning on the coffee maker and then I sat on the couch and turned the TV on. Joe finally got up around 10am. We started opening our gifts around 11am. Joe got me some amazing things this year, a Keurig Coffee Maker, GLEE CD's, Wii games, FCKH8 T-shirt and a Snuggie to name a few. After the gifts were opened we then moved over to our stockings. Where we both found scratch offs and other goodies. I thought I was done then Joe reached down to the bottom of my stocking and handed me one last gift. I unwrapped it and saw a small box. Joe then grabbed it from me and opened it to reveal a beautiful ring. He then knelt on one knee and said " Will you be my forever ?" I was in total shock, this was totally unexpected. I of course looked him in the eyes and said YES followed by a huge kiss.

After the proposal I had a flash back to when I was first diagnosed in 2001. When the doctor first told me I was HIV+.  I remember thinking I was never going to find a partner to spend my life with and I would be alone forever. I thought "Who would love me now that I am HIV+". But at that time I was not as educated nor as confident about my status as I am today. So looking back at it now..this proposal was a milestone I thought I would never experience. As a gay boy growing up I never thought marriage could happen to me. It was a fairy tale I lived out in my dreams when I went to bed. With the new FCKH8 Campaign, I know one day soon gay marriages will be held throughout the entire United States. As a human being how can we not allow another human being to experience love and commitment. I am just so confused to why it is taking so long. I just hope I live to see it. I am so excited to say that I am engaged. It feels great to know I found someone who is supportive and who unconditionally loves me all of the time. Even at my bitchiest which is sometimes on a daily basis. No date has been set for those who want to know. I am enjoying this new transition in my life and I look forward to sharing it with you as this new journey continues.

The year 2010 is coming to a end very quickly. I have spent the last few days thinking of all things I have experienced and people I have met and new friends I have made over the last year. I am very thankful for them all. In 2011 I will spend more time focused on my activism. I have made a commitment to myself that 2011 will be the year for me and POZIAM. I am ready to speak out more and provide a voice for others who are too ashamed to speak. Too many HIV+ individuals live in shame. I am ready to fight for the rights of those LIVING with HIV/AIDS with everything I have. I know I was placed in these situations because of my own actions but I know there is a bigger plan for me. I have a mission and I am determined  to accomplish it.  If I continue to surround my self with positive things and people I will gain prosperity.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Brandy - Tells Her Story

Sunday January 2nd at 9pm EST
On January 2, 2011 Robert and Jeromy will be speaking with Brandy aka Lady Positive. Brandy contracted HIV in 1997 diagnosed in 1999 she became addicted to meth and locked herself away in her "HIV CLOSET"  for 6 years. Waking up one day realizing HIV wasnt killing her, the drugs were. checking herself into recovery and going back to college to get a Psychology degree. her goal is to be there for others so no one has to go through this alone.. She believes that one person can make a difference but together we can change the World.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Angelikah Demonikah - Me Myself & HIV

Sunday Dec. 26th at 9pm EST


This Sunday December 26th Robert will be speaking with Angelikah Demonikah. Angelikah is a 25 year old HIV activist from Minneapolis, Minnesota. She was recently featured in the documentary “Me, Myself and HIV” for MTV's Staying Alive campaign, which premiered on World AIDS day. She is currently in school pursuing a degree in Social Work.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Jennifer Price - One story of a positive mother

Sunday December 19th at 9pm EST

On Sunday December 19th at 9pm EST POZIAM Radio will be speaking with Jennifer Price,an HIV positive mother, who will be sharing insight on motherhood, her marriage to an HIV negative man and her will to educate others living with the disease.

For the past decade Jennifer Price has been living with HIV. Her pregnancy with her daughter gave her an even bigger reason to try to reach out to others any way she could. Jenn feels her main mission in life is to help others keep their hopes and dreams alive. She also wants to let others living with the disease know that just because you are diagnosed with HIV doesn't mean your life is's just different. Jenn has gotten involved with activism by participating in the POS or NOT widget campaign, she writes a journal for Who's Positive and just recent joined the ADMIN team on the POZIAM Network.

WAD 2010 - Philadelphia

Started on 1st December 1988, World AIDS Day is about raising money, increasing awareness, fighting prejudice and improving education. The World AIDS Day theme for 2010 is 'Universal Access and Human Rights'. World AIDS Day is important for reminding people that HIV has not gone away, and that there are many things still to be done.

No matter where you turned on Dec. 1st  you probably saw red in honor of World AIDS Day. If you were logged onto Facebook or Twitter or was sitting at your local Starbucks enjoying a cup of coffee, red ribbons and the spirit of AIDS awareness was in the air. On December 1st  AIDS Fund has partnered with Broad Street Ministry and the Sapphire Fund to host a night of awareness and education.The event consisted of , artistic performances, free HIV counseling and rapid testing. This event was a great mix of education and fun. 

This World AIDS Day the Philadelphia region had the privilege of meeting the fabulous Project Runway Star, Jack Mackenroth. Jack was the emcee of the event and spoke about his educational HIV campaign called “Living Positive By Design”. In this program, Mackenroth shares his perspective as someone who has lived with HIV for more than 20 years via a series of local events in partnership with HIV/AIDS organizations.For more information visit

Jack Mackenroth first opend up to the world about his positive status during his time on Project Runway. He continues to use his voice to offer others living with the disease hope as  cohost on the POZIAM Radio, a weekly internet radio show that shares stories of people living with HIV/AIDS.

Jack Mackenroth & Robert Breining
Did you know ?

- According to UNAIDS estimates, there are now 33.3 million people living with HIV

- During 2009 some 2.6 million people became newly infected  

- An estimated 30,000 people in the Philadelphia region are currently living with HIV.  

- The city of Philadelphia has an HIV infection rate that is 5 times the national average. 

- Every 9 1/2 minutes a person is infected with HIV the U.S.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Larry Bryant - Housing Works

This Sunday at 9pm EST Jeromy Dunn and I will be speaking with Larry Bryant. On this episode Larry will be sharing his story and talking about the work he does to combat HIV and Homelessness through Housing Works.

Larry Bryant is the Director for National Organizing of Housing Works, the nation's largest minority controlled HIV & AIDS non profit organization. Larry works to develop and support grassroots advocacy and activist networks which influence politicians and policy that lead to addressing the factors that lead to ending the HIV & AIDS epidemic in the United States and abroad. Diagnosed himself while a freshman football player at Norfolk State University, Larry has a distinct passion that flows far beyond just spreading awareness - actions must be derived through education, purpose, and passion which ultimately and unapologetically lead to measurable outcomes.

Learn more about Housing Works

A native of Washington DC, Larry is an aspiring professional photographer specializing in non-profit photography, essay work, and civil/social justice photojournalism. His shots allows us to see the humanity in art by illustrating the art in humanity - from complex to creative, passionate to passive, the human spirit is featured throughout his work and gives us something far below the surface.

Larry, who was recently named one of Poz Magazine's 'The Poz 100' has one son attending college and currently lives in the Historic Capitol Hill neighborhood in NE Washington D.C.

Sunday December 12th at 9pm EST
 Listen Live - Click Here